Add Blog Sitemap To Google

By adding a Google sitemap to your blog, you can more easily submit your site to the Google search engine spider. You get better coverage by the spider, than by simply submitting your blog to the Google search engine. You'll also get detailed statistics about how Google sends traffic your way, and how the Google spider sees your blog.

  1. Sign in to your Google account.

  2. Go to Google Sitemaps My sites.

  3. In the Add Site box, enter the URL to your blog, and hit OK.

  4. You will get a message:
    Your site has been added to your account. Verify your ownership to view detailed statistics and errors for it.

  5. Click the link for "Verify" under "Site Verified?".

  6. In the Choose verification method, select Add a META tag opion.

  7. This will generate your site verification META tag. Copy the text from the box.

  8. In a separate window, edit the template for your blog. Paste into the template, in the heading section Under the <head/> area

  9. Save Template Changes, then Republish.

  10. Go back to Verify site ownership,then hit Verify.

  11. This will take you to Summary. Part of the display will include:
    Potential indexing problems:

    Some of your pages are partially indexed.

    We do not know about all the pages of your site. Submit a Sitemap to tell us more about your site.

    Select the link Submit a Sitemap.

  12. This will take you to Add Sitemap.

  13. In a separate window, go to Settings for your blog. Under Site Feed, copy the Site Feed URL.

  14. Go back to Add Sitemap. In the Choose type.. pull down list, select Add General Web Sitemap.

  15. Now check the following entries:

    • I've created a Sitemap in a supported format.

    • I've uploaded my Sitemap to the highest-level directory to which I have access.

    • My Sitemap URL is:

    Into the box for Sitemap URL, paste the Site Feed URL copied above, and hit Add Web Sitemap.

You are now done with the initial add process.


Camille Lemmens said...


Under # 13, I can't seem to get a Site Feed URL

For You said...

i am not able to do step14 ie. i am not able add general web site map please help me

pratik said...


i cant find this-
"In the Choose type.. pull down list, select Add General Web Sitemap."
plz help.